eWritable > Blog > Do Onyx Boox E-ink Writing Tablets have MicroSD Card Slots?

Do Onyx Boox E-ink Writing Tablets have MicroSD Card Slots?

I’ve been using an Onyx Boox Max Lumi 2 E-ink writing tablet for a while now, and I love it.

When I decided to buy an E-ink tablet, I researched the different products, and one of my criteria that fell into the ‘desirable’ category was whether or not the device had a MicroSD card slot.

Sadly, larger Boox writing tablets do not usually have MicroSD slots, however smaller readers do – this includes the Leaf2, Poke5, Page, and Palma.

UPDATE 2022: The newer Tab Ultra and Tab Ultra C also have an SD Card slot.

However, the other devices do have a USB-C port that can be used to connect MicroSD cards via an OTG cable.

What is an OTG cable?

An OTG (On-The-Go) cable is a special type of USB cable that allows you to connect standard USB devices to devices with only a smaller USB-C (or MicroUSB) port. It is effectively an adapter with a male USB-C plug at one end and a female USB socket at the other.

It can connect a wide range of peripherals to phones and tablets, including keyboards, flash drives and MicroSD card expansion slots. Some flash drives even have the OTG connector built into them as a single unit.


So there you have it! Most Onyx Boox E-ink writing tablets don’t have MicroSD card slots. However, you can still expand the storage on your device by using a USB-C OTG cable to connect a MicroSD reader to the tablet. Just remember to pack the cable when you travel!

About the author

Me and my e-ink tablets
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Dan Dutton is passionate about E-ink writing tablets, which bring together the pleasure of writing on paper with the power of digital technology. When he bought his first tablet, he realised that there wasn't a lot of unbiased information available for people that were considering buying an E-ink tablet, and so he built eWritable.

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